Hi friends! It’s been whirlwind couple of weeks, but all fun stuff, so I can’t complain! It’s become a lot colder the last few weeks and it really is starting to feel like winter is approaching. We even had a little dusting of snow. Our winter bucket list chalkboard is now up! Bucket lists are easy for this large wall because I only have to change it out every few months. It’s fun and it cures my chalkboard cleaning laziness. Here’s how to make a chalkboard winter bucket list.
I love to get cozy this time of year, and let’s be honest, I’m usually ready for bed around 9pm since it gets dark so early. A good time to hunker down and snuggle. It’s on the list. 🙂
We will fill in the stars as we get to the activities on the list. The kids love this part! I’ve said it before, we never get to everything, but it’s a fun blueprint. We reference this list often and it’s a good reminder of all the things we have on our to-do wishlist.
Here is the view from our kitchen into the mudroom. This chalk wall connects the two, and I love how it’s visible from both spaces. Also, I have a thing for fresh garland.
And here a view from the mudroom side.
I hope your bucket is being filled every day, especially this time of year! xo
Your chalkboard is wonderful! When you have a wish list or plan that you can see it really helps make sure you don't miss something. Plus, yours is so darn cute!!
I love chalkboards. 🙂