Today, I feel compelled to blog and share about the history that was made last night. I have to share about the Cubs victory and about all the fun leading up to the win! We never want to forget what this day feels like, mostly for my die-hard Cubs fan of a husband, and for my kids who will hopefully always have memories of this month. What a fun October it has been in our household! We are all exhausted, but it’s all been worth it. For the love of the Cubs, and all things sports, what an incredible moment in time!
One year ago today, we were celebrating the Kansas City Royals world series victory at the parade. I cannot believe the Royals won last year and the Cubs this year. It seems surreal. What are the odds….and if you know the Cubs history…not very good. 🙂 And yet, two years in a row we’ve gotten to watch and cheer for some incredible baseball teams and such likable players. And how about Ben Zobrist? Just incredible to win two years in a row and be named series MVP. Wow, I just love it. And it just so happens that this birthday present I gave to Steve in May has been getting a lot of use!
Our Love for the Cubs
Steve and I both grew up Cubs fans. He is born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, I grew up 3 hours west of Chicago. Steve holds memories of attending games with his family and going into the city, his Cubs game bachelor party, his first game with Drew. I remember my grandfather sitting at all my softball games with his blue Cubbies hat at every game. As a little girl, I loved Mark Grace and Andre Dawson and loved singing during the 7th inning stretch. Now we add names like Rizzo and Bryant and Baez to our “favorites” list. Steve is quick to recall the rich history of Wrigley and the magic of the park. If you have never been to Wrigley Field, put it on your bucket list.
Ten years ago, when we lived in Charlotte, NC, Steve placed his name on the Cubs season ticket holder waiting list. Three years ago (living in KC), his name came up on the list, and he became a season ticket holder, along with his best friend from college. We live in Kansas City, don’t forget! I’ve called him crazy many times, and I think I officially have to shut up about it! Because this year, Steve was able to go to almost all of the post season games played at Wrigley. For that, I am truly grateful. It was all worth him being gone a lot in October! His dedication to this team has been both heartbreaking and magical. He lives for this and has been on cloud nine for weeks. We are a sports family, and this kind of month is one for the record books. A time we will never forget.
Our Trip to Chicago
And what do you think the odds are that Steve’s best friend and fellow season ticket holder happened to be getting married this past weekend? Yep, crazy. We were lucky enough to already be going to Chicago for his wedding and there just happened to be a little world series going on. 🙂 The two of them were able to go to the Sunday night game and see the only win at Wrigley. We were all lucky enough to celebrate the marriage of two wonderful people amongst all the Cubs hysteria. What an incredibly fantastic adult-only weekend away. It just all worked out for this groom and his best man.
We danced our faces off and forgot all about that Saturday night game…
The vibe in the city was just so much fun. The Indians were staying at our hotel, and the Westin set out corn dogs and cookies every afternoon. It’s all in the details…

Cubs Win!
The magic of last night will never be forgotten. Of course we recruited our KC friends as Cubs fans in the post season and hosted many a watch party. We stayed up late and drank too much! Nerves through teh roof! No regrets letting our kids stay up until 1am last night to witness one of the greatest baseball games ever. We have two kids who love to share in the madness even though I don’t think they quite grasp the magnitude of the moment for their dad.
Through all of this craziness, I realize how sports has such an impact on our lives. We can’t stop watching interviews and YouTube videos, talking about the players and all the stories that come with an event like this. Thank goodness for sports. The history and the emotions and the memories that come from playing and watching sports is like no other feeling. We will never forget last night. I hope our kids tell their own kids about this moment. I hope they always believe in the magic of sports. Go, Cubs, Go!
Love this!! I love that your husband got season tix even though you live here in KC…totally something my husband would do 🙂 How lucky that you got to experience so much of the magic and fun in the city as well…I love Chicago! I've been to Wrigley a couple times and you're right…it is something to experience! Congrats Cubs!
You captured it all just perfectly. So glad we were together when history happened!