Life Love Larson

Thanksgiving Tablescape

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love,  thanks, family, meaning, and rest. And, of course, delicious food! I made a traditional meal with traditional desserts, and everyone seemed full and happy when it was all said and done!

This is the third year in a row we have hosted Steve’s parents and brothers and it’s always fun for me to set a more formal table. We are a super casual family, but it’s fun to dress up the dining room when we have guests. I thought I would try something “fall-like”, but a little less traditional. Cue the leopard print!!

I think there are certainly ways to make a statement on a table without breaking the bank and without going over the top. For me, it’s about flowers and pattern and color.

I busted out the china from our wedding again this year. Do people still even register for this anymore? We got married when we were babies, a long time ago, and I’m sure the trend has changed. We, however, still like the china we picked out, and for that we are grateful!

I’m all about paper napkins (told you we are casual)! For place cards, I wrote everyone’s name on a granny smith apple with a gold paint pen. Lime green and pink work for me here!

I had the fabric pieces cut at Hobby Lobby and I no-sew hemmed them to make a little table runner. The fabric cost me about $8 in total (the leopard was in a clearance rack and the pink is the cheapest fabric you can buy, but I knew I would be throwing it out afterwards!).

The flower arrangement consists of $3 eucalyptus and $5 roses from Trader Joes. I also purchased some feathers at Hobby Lobby to add a little more “fall” to the centerpiece. This might be my favorite arrangement to date, and yet so, so simple.

The gold candlesticks are from various thrift stores I have collected over the years and the apples are just faux apples from Homegoods that I have had forever.

Even if you are hosting mostly men, like I do, I think everyone still appreciates a decorated table to sit down together for a nice meal. It’s the thought and the time and the love that goes into it that really counts. I’m sure Steve’s single brothers could have done without the leopard print, but they are always very gracious! 🙂

I also wanted to extend a huge thank you for stopping by this little blog when you can, and for all the comments, likes, and pins. I’m happy and blessed to have this little space in the blogging world and so thankful for all of your support!

You can see last year’s DIY place cards here.
You can see last year’s table setting here.

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