A few years ago I decided to order a bunch of large spiders on Amazon and hang them on our house. We have a white house, so I thought the black spiders would like cute and really stand out. After a little trial and error, we decided on a method that was easy to hang them. It still requires my husband to crawl out a window on the roof (!), but they look dramatic and festive and it’s worth it! Here’s how to attach large Halloween spiders to the house.

Where to Purchase Large Halloween Spiders
Good old Amazon for the win! You can also find these at places like Party City, etc. They come with the legs scrunched up and they are light weight. You will notice the spiders are kind of “furry” looking/feeling. I was a little nervous about exposing them to the elements, but they can handle the wind and rain we get in the month of October. We definitely reuse these year after year. Of course they will get some wear and tear, but no one will ever be up close to them!

How to Attach the Spiders to a House
I have seen different ways of doing this, but we have found the easiest way to attach large Halloween spiders to a house is to use a staple gun. We have a heavy duty staple gun that we’ve used for other projects and the staples hold up well. The key is to staple around the legs in to wood on your house. In our case, these is around the roof line, on our shutters, and on some columns in the front of the house. Add as many staples as needed until the spider feels secure. We have a lot of wind in Kansas in October and these have always held! In this photo, you can see we used the gutter to secure some of the legs too.

Staples are easy to remove when you are done with the spiders and leave such small holes that you can’t even notice them. Pulling the legs apart makes them feel super dramatic! We also don’t staple every leg so there is still some movement, which adds more dimension.

Additional Photos
As you can see, you don’t need a ton of spiders to create a fun and festive impact!

I know people use command hooks and other methods, but using a staple gun works for us! Let me know if you give it a try! XO