I get asked about travel essentials often. One thing that definitely comes to mind for is footwear. While traveling, I always want to be comfortable, without sacrificing cuteness for photos! Insert white sneakers. I have literally worn them all over the world with every outfit you can think of. If traveling in warmer months, here’s how to wear white sneakers while traveling.

Deciding on a Pair
I have success with Adidas shoes for my fit and comfort level. Recently, I bought my second pair of Stan Smiths. Shoes are such a personal preference in style and comfort, so this is definitely a person by person basis. I like to choose leather or a material that is easy to clean. They will definitely get dirty while traveling! Shoes that can easily be wiped down with a wet towel or wipe is preferred. A little color is okay, but a classic (mostly) white sneaker literally goes with EVERYTHING!
Wearing a sneaker that laces up versus slides on is what I prefer as well. I consider a white sneaker a “street shoe”, meaning I wear these to explore cities/towns, not necessarily to exercise or hike. Because it is a tennis shoe, you can do some light things in them if you don’t want to pack an extra pair of shoes. Most white sneakers are around or less than $100. As much as I wear them, totally worth it!
Eleven Times I’ve Worn White Sneakers on our Travels
With Jean Shorts
I think I wore these the entire trip to Seoul, South Korea! Here I am pounding the pavement in Seoul in 2019. They work with jean shorts here.

Here we are in Hawaii with black jean shorts and jean jacket. These shoes are everything!

Pair with Overalls
Here I am at a baseball game in Seoul pairing overalls with white sneakers.

With Leggings
This type of shoe pairs well with casual leggings and a sweater or tee shirt.

Pair with a Skirt
White sneakers don’t have to just be for jeans and leggings. The bright white looks great with skirts and dresses too!

I wore white sneakers in Dubai at the camel races in 2021. Standing in sand didn’t bother me because I can easily wash these off!

Pair with Jeans
Depending on the time of year you travel, these can pair well with jeans or long pants as well. Here I am on the Great Wall of China in 2019 wearing white sneakers (with black laces).

Pair White Sneakers with Joggers
Here I am on a camel in the Sahara Desert in 2018. So versatile!

And here in the Arabian Desert in Dubai in 2021.

Pair with Wide Leg Pants
Here we are in Thailand in 2018. I love this photo because it looks like the temple is giving me a hat to wear! Wearing white sneakers with wide leg pants (have to have your knees covered to enter sacred places in Thailand).

White Sneakers for Men
Steve is also a huge fan of the white sneaker for travel. Cheesy enough, we both travel with our Stan Smiths, so we sometimes match – ha! Here’s Steve in his.

I hope you can now see why I love this shoe for every wardrobe! No matter the age! Not only do I love to travel with a white sneaker, but I wear them at home all the time too. White sneakers are so versatile. Dress up or down, clean easily, pack easily, etc.
Obviously we wear flip flops, tennis shoes, Tevas, boots, sandals, etc depending on the time of year, destination, event, etc when we travel. But a white sneaker is just something you can’t go wrong with. I hope you enjoyed how to wear white sneakers while traveling. XO