It’s almost May and our spring front porch is complete! There are still a few colder nights I’m going to watch where I might need to cover or bring in some of these plants. This spring front porch transitions right into summer easily. The only thing I will change is to swap out pansies for something different once the weather warms up. We have a decent sized front porch. It’s large enough for a seating area to add some larger plants. Here’s how to style a spring front porch for ultimate curb appeal!

Adding Symmetry
I love front porch with symmetry. It’s not always the answer, but I am drawn to the look. It always feels timeless and classic to me. In this case, same plants, same planters, same lanterns on either side of the front door. I also forego a wreath in the summer because I want the glass panel front door to stand out. The area around the door is busy enough, that I just let a wreath go this time of year. In the seating area, I simply add two rockers, two of the same throw pillows, a table to set a drink on, and one pot of flowers. Again, I like simplicity and a classic look for our porch. I go back to it time and time again. We usually always have a sports flag or an American flag flying too.

Lighting on the Front Porch
On our porch, we have three sources of lighting.
- Lanterns with battery operated candles. The lanterns are from Homegoods and the candles are from Amazon. I set these to a timer at night so they come on for 6 hours starting at dusk. They turn off on their own.
- String lights around the door. I keep these up all year long. They are also set to a timer so they turn on and off automatically. These are just cheap string lights from Target and have lasted us for years. We do have to replace some of the bulbs as you would any lights. These are held stable using a staple gun and small white hooks at the corners.
- Hanging lantern overhead. We added this new lantern this year and I love it! Love the scale and the classic look of a lantern. We flip a switch to turn this one (also attached to our garage lights).

Outdoor Rugs
At the front door, I have layered rugs (see photo above). The white striped rug is from Ikea. It’s not an outdoor rug, but if it gets dirty, I will just throw it in the wash and air dry. The coir mat is from Amazon. I love a stripe, and these work because they are going different directions and are different thickness. Our front porch is large, so I like to have the rugs feel a little larger in scale. They sort of set the stage for the plants around them. It also helps a porch to feel welcoming!
I just replaced the rug underneath our seating area. A rug in this space helps ground the space and the chairs. I like this darker charcoal with the white house behind it.

Potted Plants on the Front Porch
I usually go for symmetry and I elevate the ferns using cheap stools from IKEA. When you add height, you add drama! For reference, our home faces south. I get part sun and part shade on our covered porch. All of these pots are old so I can’t link.
- Kimberly Queen Ferns: These do well in most conditions. I water every single day. Low maintenance and will last through the fall. After repotted in a larger grow pot, I set inside these large white pots. The pots are plastic!!
- Hydrangeas: This particular variety does well in pots. After repotting, I added creeping jenny to the front. This will eventually trail as the weather warms and they grow quickly. Once the fall comes, I will pot the hydrangeas on the ground.
- Pansies: I potted these in early March because they can handle colder temps. They are still looking so full and pretty, I just kept them. I will eventually change these out for something more summery in a few weeks.

Front Porch Seating
As long as we have lived here (11 years), we have had rockers on our front porch. An ode to our time living in the south. Ferns and rockers make me think of a classic southern porch. We have only had to replace our wooden rockers once in the time we have lived here. They stay secure and just need a wipe down every now and then. We also leave them out all winter long! The rug is new and still uncurling! The table is super old from Target. You can find these classic striped pillows here.

This spring porch will take us right into summer! I hope you like the look of this classic and layered porch. More than anything, I always want our home to feel cozy and inviting and pulled together when you see it from the street. Curb appeal matters! It’s also important for me to have functional plants that are easy to care for.

I hope you enjoyed how to style
I hope you enjoyed learning how to style a spring front porch. Of course, this is what works for our home, but I hope you found some of the links and tips to be helpful! XO