A few weeks ago I saw some floor vent covers come across my feed. It stopped me in my tracks because I have never had a second thought about our vent covers when it comes to design. After going to look at our floor vent covers, I noticed that ours are fine. Just everyday vent covers that sort of blend in with our dark hardwoods floors. But I also thought the ones I saw were so chic so I ordered one to check them out. Here’s how to easily upgrade floor vent covers with some brass beauties from Amazon!

Before + After
We have a total of five floor vent covers on our first floor. The before vents were installed when we moved in 12 years ago. They are your standard, builder grade vent covers. As I said before, I have never given them a second thought. But I absolutely love small details in a home and those brass ones I saw in my feed stopped my scroll! Here’s a before and after of the old and new.
I love the antique brass tone. The horizontal lines look so chic. A simple upgrade with big impact!

How to Change Out the Covers
I’m not sure how all floor vents look, but ours simply lift out. They are not connected by screws or held down in any way. Therefore, I simply lifted the old one out and set in the new one. This is also a perfect time to vacuum down in the vent! There is also a dial on the side to easily open and close the vent.

Where to Purchase Floor Vents
You can find these floor vent covers on Amazon! They come packaged well and there are several different colors/tones to choose from. I love the brass detail for our home. It pairs well with our hardwood floors. Any time I can elevate our home for an affordable price, I’m all about it. I hope you learned how you can easily upgrade your floor vents.