Life Love Larson

How to Prepare Salmon 25 Different Ways

I asked on my Instagram stories how people like to prepare and cook salmon. I’m trying to incorporate more fish into our diet and I know there are so many ways to enjoy salmon. After receiving lots of feedback, I thought I would gather the answers in one space to easily refer back to. Here is a list of how to prepare salmon 25 different ways!

Different Ways to Prepare Salmon

Food Network Baked Salmon

After asking for answers, I decided to try the Food Network Baked Salmon recipe. It has over 800 five star reviews and I had everything on hand.

The verdict is that is was absolutely delicious! I did omit the dijon mustard, but used everything else. The topping created a little crust on top and we loved the crunch. The flavor was killer too! I highly recommend and will be making again!

I thought that compiling these answers in one space will be helpful if you need help with how to prepare salmon. It’s fun to try new recipes that people recommend. The air fryer was the clear winner here, so get to it if you have one! XO

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