Life Love Larson

The Best Places to Donate Your Stuff in Kansas City

To know me is to know I love to edit/purse/organize my spaces. This isn’t something I do once a year or every now and then. My family and I do this often! It’s a learned skill and the more you do it, the easier it becomes. I posted a reels with photos from all of my purges in 2022 and I found photos from every single month (39 to be exact)! When you edit and purge consistently, the task becomes easier and shorter to accomplish each and every time. I get asked often where I donate all of my stuff. Wanting to know more about this myself, I polled my readers in Instagram stories. As I hear of more places, I will continue to update this blog post. Here are the best places to donate your stuff in Kansas City.

Because we are certainly ALL guilty of this! Ha!

Where To Donate Your Stuff in Kansas City

What Else to do With Your Stuff

Don’t forget about other ways to get rid of your stuff!

Sometimes It’s Necessary to Toss Your Stuff

If your items can’t be donated, sold, or recycled, sometimes it’s necessary to toss items. But it’s hard for everyone because it feels wasteful. Sometimes we have loved our things so much, that no one can benefit from them. In that case, it’s necessary to toss. Keep in mind, that all of this is related to how much we are purchasing, bringing into our homes, etc. It’s all a large cycle. So let’s all be mindful of this!

Having a Dedicated Space for Donations

I hope this is helpful if you are looking for places to donate your stuff in Kansas City! Whenever you purge items, it’s important to have a place or a system for all of those things. If there is no system, it becomes overwhelming and you’ve created more a mess. I have a spot in the garage with plastic bins where I place all items that need to be donated. Once those bins become overflowing, I know it’s time to take them in. And then we start the process all over again. XO

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