After we painted our home white a few years ago, I’ve been wanting to change out our outdoor lighting. We have two sconces on either side of the garage and one light fixture that hangs on the covered porch. After an extensive search, I landed on matte black outdoor light fixtures from Amazon! Here’s how to use outdoor light fixtures from Amazon to update your curb appeal.

Outdoor Pendant Light
We previously had a pendant light hanging in front of the door, but it was small scale and ornate looking. I wanted something large scale and more modern looking. But not too modern, because we have a traditional style home. Classic + modern twist always wins for me!

This oversized scale makes a statement on our porch and it is visible from the street. I love the shape, which sort of mimics the shape of our glass panel door. The matte black finish makes it feel modern.

You can find this fixture on Amazon! I love that it is rated for water, so it’s truly an outdoor light fixture. Even though we have a covered porch, this light fixture still gets damp. Several of the lights I looked at were only damp rated, and this one is waterproof!
Outdoor Sconces
For the outdoor sconces on either side of the garage, I wanted the fixtures to coordinate with the pendant light, but they didn’t necessarily need to “match”. I was also working with a size constraint as we have rock that butts out that limits how large the fixtures can be.

I ended up choosing these fixtures which are also from Amazon. They are matte black, similar shape, and use the same candelabra bulbs as the pendant light. These aren’t the same brand, but I felt like they coordinated well! I feel like the shape is modern, but the light bulbs keep them looking classic! These are also waterproof and rated to be outside.

Installing Outdoor Light Fixtures
We paid an electrician to install these light fixtures for us. When he was here, we agreed on a height to hang the pendant light. I wanted to make sure Steve could clear the light fixture (he’s tall), while also being able to still see the light fixture from the street.
Light Bulbs Used
Both the pendant light and the sconces use the same candleabra type bulbs. I prefer soft white to daylight. The ones I chose are 60W and LED. I’ve linked exact ones here! Here are both fixtures with the lights turned on.

I love small projects that make a big impact! I was a little nervous ordering light fixtures from Amazon, but we couldn’t be more thrilled with the result. Curb appeal makes me happy! XO