We are in the process of giving Kate, our 12 year old daughter, a little room upgrade! By the time she turns 13 in November, I’m hoping to have it all done. She was requesting to get rid of all the saturated pink in her room. And white walls were also requested, which we just paid to have done, and I love it! The room feels bright and fresh now. We needed to rearrange the layout of her room as well to accommodate a new queen bed (upgraded from a twin) and a new dresser. In doing all of this, we had to switch her corner desk to the opposite side of the room. And here she is!

Choosing a Corner Desk
We snagged this corner desk in 2019, and luckily we had it because Kate schooled from home for most of 2020. This desk works perfectly in her small room! It does not have a lot of closed storage (one small pull out), so we bought plastic storage dividers from Target to fill with pens and scissors, etc. This desk is easy to personalize because it has a magnet board on the back! It feels like a built-in pin board and gives the space some personality! This desk has a hole in the back so the lamp and computer cords can drop through to be plugged in.

Choosing a Chair
Kate used to have a pink desk chair, but we recently picked up this one for a more monochromatic look! Just FYI…the opening to the corner desk is not huge, so I would not recommend this desk for a taller/larger person. This desk is actually built and set up in our IKEA, so we made sure Kate could fit and the chair could fit easily. We have never used those plastic roller pads under a desk, but IKEA sells those too.

How to Style a Corner Desk
If you know me at all, you know I’m crazy for plants! I’ve clearly rubbed off on Kate because she requested lots for her new room! This makes me happy! I figured the top of this corner desk would be a perfect place to add some greenery. It kind of serves as a shelf without having to hang anything else! Plants are one thing we have no shortage of around here! I shuffled some plants around, bought a new one, used some from her old space, and planted some of my propagated plants. These add layering and texture and color and make the space feel alive!
Every desk space needs a lamp! I tucked this small one from Homegoods in the back corner and she turns it on every time she sits here, day or night. Good lighting makes a difference!
The pink box hides ugly items like a computer mouse, calculator, etc.
Kate is free to hang and decorate whatever she wants on the magnet space!

Window Treatments
It seems everything in Kate’s room is from IKEA, ha! Her light filtering black out shade is from IKEA as well as the sheer, flowy curtains. I asked Kate if she wanted new curtains and she said she still likes these, so I’m keeping them. They add some texture without making the room feel dark. The gold curtain rod can be found here.

She’s had this Fiddle Leaf Fig in front of her window for over a year and it loves the space, so it’s staying!!

Overall the space feels more bright and fresh and serene. Luckily Kate will be going to school all year for 7th grade, so she won’t be needing this desk as much! She will definitely use for homework and her little projects and it’s where she likes to create Diamond paintings! XO