Life Love Larson

Responses From Readers on How to Manage Melasma

It’s nearing the time of year when I like to be outside all day, every day. Between working in the yard, mowing, walking, porch rocking, patio sitting, baseball and soccer watching, I’m outside A LOT. I noticed a few years ago that I was starting to get melasma on certain parts of my face. Melasma is dark colored patchiness brought on by sun and heat. Mine always goes away in the winter an comes back in full force in the spring/summer. I asked on stories the other day what has worked for others and I got so many responses, I decided to dump them all in one spot. The crazy part is, almost all of the 75 responses were different!!! Now I’m even more confused – ha!

Before we get started with your answers, here’s a little back story. I am 41 years old. I grew up in the day when you had tanning salon memberships. Cringey to think about now, but it’s how it was. When we went on beach vacations, the goal was to become as tan as possible! We used very light sunscreen, if any at all! Fast forward all these years later and I have so much sun damage, sun spots, wrinkles, and now fighting melasma.

Let me also say, I’m super confident and comfortable in my own skin. Of course, I want to be healthy and glowing, but this isn’t something that keeps me up at night. It’s just something we go through as we age! My mom is 65 years old and has never had anything done to her face, and she’s the prettiest 65 year old I know! I just thought if there are things I could/should be doing for my melasma, I’m interested in hearing!

I see a dermatologist every year. She’s really sweet and tells me my face actually looks good for my age. When I mentioned the melasma last year, she prescribed Hydroquinone cream (4%). Several people mentioned this in the answer box, but this did not work for me. I used it for 8 weeks and after not seeing results, I stopped. Apparently Melasma isn’t curable, just manageable. I also learned that it’s not only exposure from the sun that makes it flare up, but also just heat in general. That explains a lot because I’m usually really good about hats and sunscreen and sunglasses!

Let’s get started with the responses from all of you! And one side note…people were mentioning that melasma flares up during pregnancy because of hormonal changes. I am on the pill, which can most definitely be a contributing factor. I’m not interested in coming off of it (I use it to manage heavy periods – sorry for the TMI)! I will only be posting repeat answers once! Thanks for all of your responses!


I go see my derm again this summer and will chat with her more! I also might look into doing some sort of treatment – anyone local want to work on my face?! Ha! For now, I sill be ice rolling to keep the heat down, using daily SPF, hats, etc. Can we all agree that aging has it’s perks! I love getting older and wiser and have all the life experience and the laugh lines. All the things on my face represent where I’ve been. I’m not trying to “fix” myself, just become the best version! XO

SHOP: Hat, Sunscreen, Ice Roller, Sunnies

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