I’ve been in the process of slowly updating Drew’s room. He’s 13 years old now (stop growing, please!), and it feels like we are at the point where when we do a few updates and upgrades, it should get him through until he leaves for college. I can’t even believe that is our reality! One of the first steps in the process was painting his small bathroom. Drew requested simple and clean. He helped decide on the final color choice of Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter. Loving how it turned out! Here’s how to get the look of Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter in a teen boy’s bathroom.

Drew is lucky enough to have his own bathroom connected to his room. It’s technically supposed to be a guest bedroom, but with opposite gender kids, we opted to have him move away from the Jack and Jill bath he shared with his sister, and into his own room/bathroom. He’s also lucky enough to have a window, which makes this room light and bright.
The bones of this bathroom are basic and builder grade, but fine enough for a 13 year old boy! Everything in here is staying as is, we just wanted a fresh coat of paint. And I purchased some new towels, towel hooks, and bath mats. I’m still thinking about upgrading the faucet and light fixture, but for now, a few cosmetic changes will do!

We have lived in four homes and I’ve painted a lot in every single one of them. I knew I could knock out this small bathroom in no time. I actually enjoy the process and am truly amazed of the power of paint! Every single time!
Choosing a Color: Revere Pewter
After talking to Drew, we decided to keep things neutral. He did want a “color” though, so I brought home a few beige/greige samples. I always scan Pinterest for inspiration, and I asked on my Instagram stories for some favorite greige paint colors. We finally decided on Revere Pewter. It was the darkest of the samples and stayed “neutral” against our creamy trim. Some of the other colors pulled a little pink or were too light for Drew. I’m so happy with how the Revere Pewter looks against the creamy trim.
Revere Pewter is a Benjamin Moore color, but I had it mixed in Behr paint at Home Depot. I WAS SO PLEASED WITH THIS PAINT COVERAGE! The previous paint color was a very light blue, so I did not feel the need to prime. After two coats of this Behr paint, the walls were covered perfectly. I went with an eggshell finish.

Prepping the Space
To start, clear everything from the room and remove any existing hooks, mirrors, artwork, electrical plates, etc from the walls. I wiped down the baseboards and door frames to clear any dust. It’s also a good idea to vacuum any cobwebs from the corners of the room! We had some – ha! Next up, time to tape off the space. I like to do this around the door trim and baseboards and the shower. I DO NOT tape the ceiling as I’ve gotten really good at cutting in! You can tape off light fixtures at this time too, but I just free hand this. This photo is after one coat of paint. I can paint so much faster when everything is taped off and you don’t have to be perfect! It’s worth the time in my opinion!

Painting the Space Revere Pewter
With this small bathroom, I decided to trim out the entire space with a paint brush first and then use a paint roller to finish it off. I take it one wall at a time and go around the ceiling and floor and doors with a paint brush. Then, I come in with a paint roller to cover the large surfaces. It’s best to blend the hand strokes as much as possible. Because the space is small and I had to get into smaller spaces, I used a small paint roller. It doesn’t cover as much surface, but I feel more in control with a small one.
In this case, I painted one coat one day and the second coat the next day. I just leave the painters tape on overnight. As soon as the second coat is done, pull away the painters tape.

Finishing Touches
- After the second coat, I went in for a deep clean. Scrubbing the tile floors, deep cleaning the shower and toilet (boys are soooo gross), wiping down drawers, etc.
- We added a cell shade to the window a few weeks ago. This allows Drew to easily open and close for privacy and it still lets the light in!
- Drew likes to have items he uses often accessible on the countertop. I just bought an inexpensive plastic bin at Homegoods. It holds hair product, deoderant, tissues, etc.
- Chose new hooks for the bath and hand towels.
- Chose new bath mats. Ours needed to be thin enough to open and close the door easily.
- Add some greenery! I added this hanging plant in the corner since he gets so much light. Every room should have something alive in it!

Adding a fresh coat of paint and a few new items to space is such an inexpensive upgrade! Everything feels so fresh and clean. My wishlist for this room is to change the light and faucet and replace the cheap tile. For now, Drew has gotten his wish of clean and simple. He loves it and that’s all that matters! XO