If you have been here for any length of time, or follow me on Instagram, you know I’m a crazy plant lady! I have over 100 plants inside my home! Some of these include stems I’m propagating in order to create new, free plants. Here, I’ll show you an easy and inexpensive way to create new plants for your home. I also like to give these away to friends and family. We created this back in May 2020…it seemed like the perfect little quarantine project! Here’s how to create a plant propagation wall.

Propagation is essentially creating new plants from existing plants. You can simply cut a stem or stalk off of a plant, stick it in water, and it should eventually produce roots! FREE PLANTS! Creating a plant wall allows you to take this storage vertical instead of clogging up space elsewhere. This plant has been propagating for many weeks and you can see the root system is doing growing! This will be able to be planted into soil at any time.

To create this propagation wall, you simply need these test tube vases, water, plant stems, and small white nails. You will need to measure how far apart and at what height and distance you want the vases from each other (depending on the size of space you are using). In this case, I am using a small thin wall, so we hung 9 of them close together, spaced out evenly.

My husband measured three rows of three vases and used small white nails to keep the tubes into the wall. No stud finding, no anchors, just small nails! Just make sure the nail head is a little larger than the hole in the test tub so it doesn’t fall off and break! These tubes are delicate! You can find exact test tubes we used here.

Add Your Plants:
Next up? The fun part when you get to add your plants! I simply went around my own home and cut pieces of plants to stick in the vases. Be sure to cut different shades of green, textures, and height/length to give the wall some visual interest. Add some water to the vases and that’s it!

This is pretty much set and forget! You will need to check and make sure the water levels stay at least halfway filled as over time it will start to evaporate get sucked up by your plant. You will start to see roots forming at different rates for different plants. It’s like an adult science experiment!

A propagation wall is a form of living art! I made a DIY Indoor Plant Wall a few years ago and it still brings me so much joy to look at and tend to! I LOVE to be surrounded by plants, living things, and greenery. My plants are the first things people notice in my home and that is the goal!

When Roots Form:
Once your stems see substantial roots, you can remove them and plant them in soil. You have just created new, free plants without having to do much! LOVE! Then it’s time to cut a new stem and start the process over again. Don’t beat yourself up if roots don’t form on every stem or if something yellows or dies. And even if they do, you’re not out anything! Most will take though!

I hope you enjoyed how to create a plant propagation wall. This can really be put anywhere you have open wall space, vertically or horizontally. The possibilities are endless with the design and amount you use. Happy propagating! XO