In 2019, I was inspired to add tinsel to our Christmas tree and I loved it! We have never added tinsel before that and I had never had a tree with tinsel from childhood either! This year, in 2020, I wasn’t going to add it. Then I watched White Christmas for the first time in my lifetime and saw the trees with tinsel at the end and decided to go for it again! For $3 (I bought some end of season last year for $1 each) and 10 minutes of my time, our tree just became a “extra” and I’m loving her! Vintage tree vibes make me happy! Here’s how to add tinsel to a Christmas tree.

A Real Christmas Tree
We always get a real Christmas tree. Steve and I both grew up with real trees and we will always have one. And here’s hoping our kids carry on this tradition when they get older!

For the past several years we have been putting it in a textured basket. I added faux fur rugs to a little pop of color and more texture – can’t get enough!

Here is our 2020 tree pre-ornaments and tinsel. I love the look of a naked tree with lights! One of these years I will leave it like this. Probably after our kids leave for college – ha!

We haven’t used a tree topper in a few years. I haven’t really come across anything I love so we just leave it bare. We have a kid’s tree in the basement with all of the sentimental ornaments we have gathered on our trips and that the kids have made over time. I added neutral ornaments in pinks, golds, whites, and silver to this upstairs tree. The tinsel strands are from Target. I found them half off after Christmas last year so they were $1 each. There is a mix of silver and gold on the tree this year!

Adding Tinsel
I really had no idea what I was doing when adding the tinsel. I just took a few strands in my hands at a time and started tossing it on the branches. The branches will “catch it” and you can distribute it evenly around the tree. I used three packs of 1000 strands for this 8.5 foot tree. Obviously you could add a lot more if you really want to deck it out! I still wanted to be able to see the tree.

You can shop baskets, faux fur rugs, and tinsel by clicking here! So happy I decided to go for it with the tinsel again this year! It just adds so much whimsy and sparkle, even during the day! Have you ever used tinsel? XO