I absolutely LOVE the look of a classic exterior on a home. For the past few years we have been hanging wreaths in the windows of our home during the month of December and it adds such a festive touch. This year, I’m loving it more than ever, because we have a newly painted white house, which also screams classic to me! In this post, I will show you how to hang a wreath on every window at Christmastime. It’s surprisingly easy and inexpensive!

Items Needed for this Project
To create this look, you will need wreaths (for as many front-facing windows and doors as you have), ribbon, and wire hinged command hooks. These specific type of hooks are really what help the wreath stay on the window!

I use cheap wreaths and cheap bows for this project, but obviously you can use any kind of real or faux wreaths and any kind of ribbon! Both can be found at places like Home Depot, Walmart, Trader Joe’s, Costco, Lowes, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, etc. Between the windows and doors, we use 6 wreaths. My sister also does this and she uses at least 10 for her exterior, it just depends on how many windows you have! By using inexpensive bows and wreaths, I don’t worry about them getting wind blown, rained on, or faded. I didn’t invest a lot of money, so it’s never a “worry”.

What is the Maintenance Like?
When you look at our home from the street, you would never be able to tell that the wreaths are on the cheaper end. It’s the whole “curb appeal” look I’m going for. I have used the same wreaths for several years and have not had to replace any of them. I replace the bows every one or two years depending on how wind blown or faded they look from the year before. These bow are inexpensive and easy to swap out as they have twist ties that keep them on the wreath. I’ve never had a bow blow off, even in our crazy Kansas winds! I have had one wreath blow off (recently) that I was able to go grab and quickly replace because the command hook was still in place. In previous years, I’ve never had one blow off.

How to Hang a Wreath in Every Window
Before applying your command hook, you will need to decide where on the window you want the wreath placed. We just eyeball the placement so the wreath splits the middle of the window. Be sure to clean the window before sticking up the command hook! Here is a view from inside the house.

I usually have to “fluff” the wreaths each year, but in general this project is very low maintenance. When you are ready to take them down, simply grab the wreath, and remove the command hook and store your wreath for next year. We have a two story house, so this does require us to pop the screen out to adhere the hook to the window, but we don’t actually have to get out on the roof.

For even more drama, I like to add a really large bow on the front door. This helps the door stand out and draws your eye in! It’s cozy and inviting to me! Here is a shot of the house at dusk.

I hope this helps with how to hang a wreath on every window at Christmastime! Here is the link again if you want to purchase these items! I just love the look so much! XO