Life Love Larson

How to Make Easy Homemade Acai Bowls

acai packet

We first were introduced to Acai bowls last spring break when my kids ordered them at the quaintest little breakfast spot on our travels to Ubud, Bali. Fast forward almost an entire year, and we finally tried to make our own at home. I had heard that Trader Joe’s sold frozen Acai packets so I snagged some and researched how to make them. Most recipes I found were pretty much the same, so I just went for it! Here’s how to make easy homemade açaí bowls.

Acai berries are high in antioxidants. The açaí berry is the concentrate in the frozen packet. We added more fruit, milk and yogurt to ours. I would like to try adding in some spinach next!

Homemade Acai Bowl:



  1. Blend all ingredients together as you would a smoothie.
  2. Pour into a bowl, and top with your favorite toppings! Or eat plain!
  3. We top ours with granola, chia seeds, flax seed, and more berries. The possibilities are endless with this! You could add more banana, nuts, coconut, etc. We liked having the crunch of the granola on ours. I think you can pretty much use whatever ingredients you have on hand and add or omit other liquids, juice, yogurt, etc. The recipe and amounts we used gave us about two servings!

A few observations after we made our first few homemade açaí bowls…we LOVED that these tasted icy cold! Adding a frozen banana would make it even better. I think you could add ice to it as well. Our bowls turned out more liquidy than chunky but we still ate them with a spoon. You can obviously adjust the amount of liquid you are adding to your bowls depending on how thick or soupy you like yours! These turn out so pretty with the colors and textures and would be fun to serve to guests because they look fancy, but are so easy! xo

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