Meet Clint Harp from Harp Design Co.! I got a chance to sit down with Clint Harp, most known for his work on Fixer Upper, for a meet and greet. The group was small, so we were able to really engage with him and he wanted us to ask all the questions! Clint Harp attended the Johnson County Home and Garden Show where he was a speaker. He now has a new book out called Handcrafted and a TV show on DIY Network, so he is a busy guy for sure! Let me tell you right off the bat that he is the nicest guy. Humble, real, relatable, and authentic. I got all the positive vibes from him. No wonder he has been successful after some chance encounters in the business.

I took some notes over the hour we chatted, so I thought I would hit upon some key bullet points. He told us the story about how he met Chip in a chance encounter at the gas station and how things started from there. We talked about his wife and their family and how they didn’t have any financial help from their families. Hard work, making hard decisions, failing and getting back up, and sticking it out was all a part of his journey. All in the book!
Thoughts from Clint Harp
- Clint believes we all are more alike than different. We all have stories to tell and we connect by sharing them with each other.
- No one singular person has inspired him. He talked about people along the way of his journey that stood out, and small moments along the way, and chance encounters, and timing, and meeting certain people all pushed him and made him what he is today! Love this!
- His book, Handcrafted, tells all about his journey in life. He is thankful for the good and the bad. Hard work and perseverance has gotten him to this point. He believes every interaction is important and timing is everything! You never know what might happen in your day! That’s exciting to think about, right?! He said connections matter, timing matters, and to keep moving one step at a time.
- Just ask! You never know what might happen!
- Start NOW! Baby steps are still steps. Go after whatever it is you are dreaming of! Stay in your lane. I love all of this!
- Clint said he now has employees that do the woodworking as he is promoting and being the face of the business. He believes in letting employees screw up so they can learn from their mistakes. He tries not to micromanage and let things go, which has been a challenge for him, but he knows it’s important!
- In hard times, go back to the thing that means the most to you! In his case, his wife and kids. Together, they can do anything.

A huge thank you to Clint Harp and his team for reaching out and inviting me. I love encounters and interactions that step me out of my comfort zone. Clint was nothing short of gracious and down to earth.

I did have ask him about how he feels about painted furniture! Ha! He said go for it. As long as people are being creative and using their hands and doing things that mean something to them, he is all about it. Except for maybe that really old antique piece of furniture passed down! 😉 I loved this answer since I’ve painted a thing or two in my day.
I’ve never been to Waco, but I think I need to plan a trip! He said they are getting ready to open a storefront. And they also own Harp Design Co. where you can shop if you can’t make it to Waco. I hope you enjoyed meeting Clint Harp from Harp Design Co. XO