I hope you’re summer is off to a wonderful start! Our kids got out of school May 20th this year, so we have been in summer mode for a few weeks already. There were no snow days this year, so we had two full weeks before our pool opened or any activities started. Having a few weeks with nothing really going on is so glorious. My kids needed the downtime and I think it’s so fun having them home. June is full of fishing and camps and being pool bums…we heart summer around here!
Summer Bucket List
This year, 2016, is the fourth year we have made a summer bucket list on our chalkboard wall. It’s a favorite and I’m so glad we started doing it. The kids are getting older (7.5 and almost 9), so we have to tweak the list every year, but I know we will be doing this for years to come. There is so much to do in our city, we should never run out of things to do!
I’ve used this childhood quote on this wall before. I just love it and find it speaks to me. I’m a believer that every minute of every day should NOT be devoted to your kids. As a stay at home mom, it’s impossible for me to entertain my kids all day long. I believe that kids should learn how to be bored, use their imaginations, play, be outside, be creative, etc. With two close in age kids who are always with me, I feel they need to find ways to get along without a parent intervening every time. And of course my kids know they should be able to go to the grocery store and run errands without it ending their world (or their parent’s!
Since I am home with my kids all summer and summer is a season of fun, we intend to have a lot of fun! I think most parents hope to provide a childhood their kids will remember, and we are no exception. This certainly doesn’t mean saying yes to everything. I believe the power of saying “no”, and often. The power of new experiences and trying new things and it is important for us to pass this along to our children. I also believe in old fashioned fun and the power of playing with friends and learning how to resolve conflicts. Mostly, I want our kids to think back about their childhood and not remember what they received, but what they “did” and what they “learned” and that they were “loved”.
We add a lot to the list and never get to all of it, but it’s a good reference point for us. Most of the items on the list are inexpensive or free, which is also important to me!
I decided to make a little bunting for the summer list using random scrapbook paper. I just adhered it to the wall with electrical tape on the back of the paper. So far, so good!
We als have a separate list of new restaurants we have been wanting to try. And come on, if you are anything like me, you LOVE a list! I’ve passed the “love” on to my kids!
You can find our other summer bucket lists here:
Cheers to a fantastic summer full of late nights, eating outside, friends, family, vacations, good food, relaxation, sunshine, and happiness! xo
This is such a great idea! Love the bunting. Very cool. Have a fun summer!
Love the quote you have on the top of your bucket list. Great way to live intentionally, too.
Would love to see your restaurant list! 😉