I wanted to quickly pop-in and share a little tip I learned from another blogger on how to keep hydrangeas perky. After trying it out myself yesterday, it worked! Hydrangeas are my favorite flower and I would have them all over my house if I could! The goal is to plant many more in our yard so I can cut them fresh all summer!

The tip comes from Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick and the process is super simple. I cut some stems from my yard yesterday and they were very droopy because of the extreme heat we’ve been having. To try and perk them up, I simply threw them in a cold bath in the sink and waited. After 30 minutes I checked on them and they looked the same. I decided to just leave the house and leave them soaking.
I came home after a few hours and they were as good as new and very perked up! Love this tip!
How To Keep Hydrangeas Perky
- Cut or purchase Hydrangeas.
- Soak them in a bath of cold water for an extended period of time (over and hour or overnight).
- Dry and stick in a vase of cold water.

I posted on Instagram that I purchased several “distressed” hydrangea plants last season and planted them in my side yard. Much to my surprise, they have come back and are producing blooms! Don’t forget to check the distressed or clearance racks wherever you purchase plants, especially this time of year. I hope you can apply these tips to keeping your hydrangeas perky! Have a wonderful week! XO