Life Love Larson

Chalkboard Summer Bucket List

summer bucket list

Our kids got out of school last week, so we are officially on summer break! I am really looking forward to the kids being home, being lazy, trying new things, and traveling a bit. We created our summer fun list last week to kickstart the official beginnings of summer. I love this chalkboard wall for so many reasons, and though some say chalkboards are “out”, they will always be “in” at our house!

This is the third year I’ve been doing this list, and same as usual, this is a blueprint for what we want to try to do. We certainly don’t get to everything, and that’s okay. The list gets tweaked every year as the kids are getting older and some things we like to repeat and others we don’t. My kids love this list, and hold me to it! They are loving the addition of the “daily” list, although swimming is a bit of a stretch…

Kate and I have already crossed off strawberry picking from the list. We picked about 4 lbs. on a day when we pretty much had the patch to ourselves. We eat off of them for a bit, and then I cut and freeze them to throw in smoothies or yogurt parfaits. Such a fun outing!

Sunshine is most definitely our favorite accessory!!

Click here to view our summer fun chalk wall lists from 2013 & 2014.

Click here to view this DIY chalkboard project & how I clean my chalkboard wall.

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