Life Love Larson

DIY Upholstered Headboard

Drew moved into a big boy bed right around age two. I managed two cribs in the nursery for awhile (our kids 15 months apart remember!), but I finally felt Drew needed his own space. He was crawling out of his crib at this point and nap time was becoming an issue. We already had a queen sized bed for guests, which we transitioned him into. The bed was just a mattress and bed frame with no headboard or footboard. I decided to go ahead and make a DIY upholstered headboard!

Materials needed for this DIY project: A piece of MDF the length of the bed, some foam padding, batting, fabric, spray adhesive, and a staple gun.

Step 1: Have a piece of MDF cut to the length and height you desire.

Step 2: Cut the foam piece to exact size of the MDF. Spray the adhesive onto the wood and adhere the foam piece.

Step 3: Add batting around the foam and MDF and secure with a heavy duty staple gun. Be sure to pull taught! It helps to have a helper here!

Step 4: Wrap fabric around the headboard and secure with more staples. Choosing stripes probably wasn’t the best idea, because I had to be extra careful to keep them straight! Tug and pull and make this really tight! You can wrap the corners like you would wrapping paper on a gift.

Step 5: Add hardware to the back of the MDF. We used hooks in each corner and added anchors to the wall using a laser level.

This is the story of my life. These little moving stickers are on the back of everything we own! You can see in the photo the hardware we use to hang this big guy. Make sure you use strong anchors that can hold a good amount of weight!

Making this DIY upholstered headboard was such a simple and inexpensive project.

Kate sleeps in a twin, so Drew’s bed is the one we all pile into at night for reading time. The large, soft headboard is perfect for lounging and reading! The best part is, if you get sick of the fabric, or if it gets dirty/dingy, just change it! XO

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