I love making cute Valentine’s with my kids for their classmates. In the age of Pinterest, the amount of cute and easy ideas are everywhere. I showed Drew several different options to choose from, and he wanted to make S’more Valentines. He thought this would work for everyone in the class and is sort of gender neutral. Oh, and one other request…no hearts! Here’s how to make S’mores Valentines.

Items Needed to Make S’mores Valentines
- cellophane bags
- graham cracker squares
- small Hershey’s candy bars
- festive marshmallows
How to Assemble
Drew helped me assemble all of these last night. Simply throw all ingredients in the cellophane bag and tie up with a ribbon. He practiced his handwriting by writing all the names of the kids in his class, and his own name on the back of the card. In an effort to keep it simple, and made these little cards and printed on card stock.
Shhhhhh…I did throw in one little heart!
We found chocolate covered strawberry marshmallows, which he chose instead of the pink heart marshmallows. These could also be cute to give as little neighbor gifts! Love how they turned out! XO
More ideas: Gem Valentines, Lego Valentines, Bear Hug Valentines, Superhero Valentines