Life Love Larson

How to Organize Puzzles Without the Boxes

Recently, I started wondering why I had never organized our puzzles in a better way.  They were all sitting on a shelf in a toy closet stacked high, with broken box corners and missing pieces scattered about.  My kids actually love puzzles and play with them often, so Kate and I got to work on organizing. Here’s how to organize puzzles without the boxes.

Items Needed for Puzzle Storage

The materials needed for this puzzle storage solution are ziplock bags and a plastic bin. That’s it!  I already had the quart-sized bags and I grabbed a plastic bin at Dollar Tree.

How to Organize Puzzles Without the Boxes

First, place the puzzle pieces inside the ziploc bag. Next, cut the part of the box that has the puzzle template. This way your child knows which puzzle they are working with and how to put it together. Obviously, this step is important! Lastly, place the template inside the ziplock bag and close shut!

Look at all the clunky box storage you will get rid of!

Once you have all of your puzzles organized in ziplock bags, you can recycle your boxes and store them in your bin of choice. We now call this the “puzzle bin” and the kids know exactly where everything goes!

This puzzle storage system is so simple and it’s so satisfying! It’s a good time to get rid of puzzles you are no longer interested in as well. I’m getting ready to do another toy/stuffed animal/game purge with my kids! XO

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