Life Love Larson

DIY Moss Wreath

Pottery Barn had a moss wreath selling for $79! My mom told me I could probably easily make one of these. Spring fever is hitting hard, so I thought I’d add a pop of green to the front door. Here’s how to make a DIY moss wreath of your own for a fraction of the price! 

Materials Needed:

Adhere Moss to Wreath Form:

I was learning as I went with this! Just keep adding moss to the wreath with a hot glue gun. Make it layered and full and even all the way around. This can make a mess, so put down something to catch all the stray moss!

Add Ribbon:

I went with a festive spring/Easter ribbon since I was putting this on the outside of our house, but the possibilities are endless here! You could also opt for a minimal look and not add a ribbon at all.


As you can see, this is such an easy (albeit messy) DIY project! This wreath looks so fresh for spring! xo

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