Life Love Larson

DIY Faux Succulent Terrarium

I wanted to quickly share this DIY faux succulent terrarium that literally took me less than five minutes to assemble. It’s such a simple DIY! Inspired by Cella Jane for this DIY.


Items Used to Create Terrarium

The items used for this are the glass/wood vessel, faux succulents, and white rocks. That’s it! Super simple!

These faux succulents were on clearance at Target. I was impressed by how real the air plants looked! You know how much I love my real plants, but I do find succulents hard to grow indoors. I always pull my succulents outdoors for the summer and they thrive. They struggle indoors, so this is an easy solution for never having to tend to this again. Faux plants are great here and there, but always, always, always have real ones throughout your home! Here is a tutorial on how to create a real succulent and cactus planter.

Target also sells white rock fillers, but I knew I could find them cheaper at Dollar Tree. I used two packs of white rock.

Assembling the Terrarium

I simply added the rock to the bottom of the vessel and stuck the faux plants in at random. I think five looks perfect in this larger vessel.

After finishing, I moved the terrarium around the house trying to decide where to place it. It landed on our dining room table. The glass looks nice on our black table and it’s low enough that it doesn’t compete with our chandelier.

This DIY faux succulent terrarium is so easy to make with any glass vessel, plants, and rock! I just love ours. I know places like Hobby Lobby and Michaels sell faux succulents if your Target doesn’t have any left. I think this would be such a pretty gift to give as well. No watering needed! XO

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