Life Love Larson

How To Quick Clean a Dishwasher

cleaning dishwasher

Some appliances are used to clean our things, but I’ve learned that it is just as important to clean the appliances that do all that work! Here’s a tutorial on how to quick clean a dishwasher. We eat at home often, so we acquire a lot of dirty dishes. Our dishwasher gets loaded, run, and emptied once daily. I could see some build up happening around the edges and knew it was time to give it a quick clean.

How to Clean a Dishwasher

  1. First, I shook some baking soda in the bottom of the empty dishwasher and let it sit for a few hours.
  2. Next, spray vinegar on top of the baking soda and in some of the nooks and crannies of dishwasher.
  3. With minimal scrubbing, the gunk should come right up as you wipe with a wet cloth or rag. You will be surprised how much gunk lies in the thing you think is getting your dishes clean! I learned this when I thoroughly cleaned my washing machine!
  4. After the inside was wiped down, I ran the hottest cycle using vinegar instead of a detergent pack that I normally use.

This chore is super simple, and something that can be done often. Our dishwasher looks like new again! I love cleaning with vinegar and baking soda.  It’s inexpensive, safe, and it gets the job done. I hope you enjoyed how to quick clean a dishwasher. XO

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